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However, Soca is more than that.
It is part of a Caribbean sound and shares the musical stage with Jamaica Reggae as the rhythms of the Caribbean Islands.
Soca is an offspring of its earlier parent, Calypso, mixed with other creations particularly Soul, hence the name Soca.
One of the early pioneers of this new musical direction was calypsonian, Lord Shorty.
Like its earlier forerunner calypso, soca is a vehicle which lyrics are used not only for social commentary but also as risque humor and its rhythmic presentation is with pure sweet pulsating vibration.
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Soca sounds great on any musical instrument but it is especially sweet when played on the steel pan, another creation of Trinidad and Tobago.
There are anual soca competition, soca king and queen commpettion, steel pan competions all comprising of soca songs and tunes.
The culmination of Soca competition is the Road March Competition on Carnival Tuesday.
Steel bans and Mas Bans revel on the streets on Carnival Monday and Tuesday (they always fall just before Ash Wednesday).
The winner of the Roach March Competition is the Artiste whose tune is played most often on the road by the steel bans on Carnival Tuesday as they cross a certain point.
Steel bans play the tune that they deem to have the most catchy lyrics and fanciest dance and jump up beat.
“ Sweet Soca Music ” as it is referred to by many, has received worldwide acclaim and is now responsible for spawning and propagating its own offshoots like chutney soca and ragga soca.